Careers Expo

Careers Expo

  Careers Expo This term selected Year 12 students attended the Careers Expo at the Melbourne Convention Centre. The expo encompassed all career opportunities from employment to education and training in the trades, corporate and...

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Year 12 Biology 

Year 12 Biology 

  Year 12 Biology The Year 12 Biology students attended two excursions this term. At University of Melbourne – School of Biosciences, students completed a few activities including analysis of evidence for evolution and the effect on...

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Year 11 GTAC Excursion

Year 11 GTAC Excursion

  Year 11 GTAC Excursion At GTAC (Gene Technology Access Centre in Parkville), the Year 11 Biology students worked with several scientists to undertake an inquiry into prenatal and predictive genetic testing, to explore how each test works...

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