Parent Information

Parent/Carer Roles and Responsibilities 

Parental involvement in schooling can strongly benefit both the child and parent. At Hume Central Secondary College we encourage parents and carers to participate in their child’s education. You can take part in many ways such as:

  • Assisting with homework
  • Attending student/teacher/parent conversations and conferences
  • Coming along to information and course selection evenings
  • Reading with your son/daughter
  • Becoming a member of the School Council
  • Joining in our co-curricular activities
  • Making an appointment to speak with any of your child’s teachers or their Learning
  • Community team leader
  • Being interested in what your children do at school and ensuring they attend regularly.

We welcome your involvement and look forward to seeing you at various school activities.

Progress Report Rubric

Progress Report Rubric – EnglishProgress Report Rubric – ArabicProgress Report Rubric – SamoanProgress Report Rubric – Somali

Camps, Sport and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

In 2015 the Victorian Government unveiled a new $148 million initiative to ensure all Victorian students take part in school trips and sporting activities. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) will run over four years and provide payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports and excursions.

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parent card are eligible to apply. $250 per year paid for eligible secondary school students. Payments go directly to the College and is allocated to the student’s account.

All Year 7 and new students to Hume Central Secondary College parents or legal guardians are required to complete a CSEF application form and provide their concession card for photocopying. The application form can be obtained at any Campus Reception. We encourage parents/guardians to ensure that they do not miss out on this CSEF payment as it will cover the cost of excursions and activities arranged to enhance learning. There are timelines for applications and these will be available on Compass, College website, sms and correspondence. Please note that this fund cannot be paid to parents/guardians and cannot be used for any other purpose.